

Evidentiality 표지와 영-한 동시통역에서의 표현의 질



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the possibility of utilizing linguistically coded information such as evidentiality markers to enhance re-expression quality in English-Korean simultaneous interpretation. It is widely recognized that interpreters draw on linguistic and extra linguistic knowledge to accurately analyze speaker meaning during the comprehension and deverbalization phases. This paper argues that interpreters can exploit grammatically or lexically marked information in utterances also in the re-expression phase with the aim to develop strategies for expression as well as effectively emphasize the speaker's message.The analysis of interpretation data particularly that of evidentiality markers suggest interpreters can benefit from evidential markers in several ways. First, evidentiality markers can be strategically exploited to relieve time and information processing constraints during the re-expression phase. Second, evidentiality can serve as a linguistic cue to efficiently analyze the speaker's attitude. Third, evidentiality makers enable interpreters to plan re-expression and motivate interpreters to utilize creativity in re-expression, as a result, improving the overall quality of the rendering to sound more natural and precise. Consequently, this study suggests that the motivation be trained and strengthened during the interpreter training.


  • 이미경 Lee, Migyong. 한국외국어대학교 통역번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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