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Mediation Effect of Sense of Control on the Relationship between Geriatric Anxiety and Depression
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제19권 제11호 2023.11 pp.147-159
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Mediation of Gene Flow in Tropical Trees of Sub-Saharan Africa
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제28권 제1호 2012.04 pp.1-7
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한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) Reproductive & Developmental Biology(Supplement) Volume 30 No 2 Supplement 2006.06 p.130
The Mediation Effect of Brand Polarization between Progressive Brand Activism and Consumer Responses
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한국마케팅관리학회 한국마케팅관리학회 학술대회 마케팅, REBOOT : 불경기에 새로운 수요를 창출하는 마케팅 2022.12 pp.26-28
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L1 lemma mediation in processing L2 word pairs and sentences
한국언어과학회 한국언어과학회 학술대회 언어이론과 인지과학의 상호교류적 접근 2011.02 pp.189-190
Translation as Intracultural Mediation : Translations and Cultural Self-reflexiveness in Kerala
한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 학술대회 Cultural Conflict and Dissonance in Translation and Interpreting 2024.01 pp.101-107
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A Study on Mediation Effect of Support System in Job Stress and Coping Behavior of Social Workers
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 7 Number 1 2019.03 pp.14-19
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