

통역기반 구축방법 연구-중국어관련학부 교육과 관련해서-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The writer has the experience that Korean interpreters and would-be interpreters whom he has met in the arena of interpretation and education have been unaware of words and phrases that any Chinese would know without exception. In order to solve this problem, a prospective interpreter should master the basics of interpretation involving Chinese.One way of doing so is to acquire Chinese culture-bound language. The Chinese learn a variety of knowledge on the Chinese classics and modern works through their regular education and make allusions to them in everyday life. Korean students of Chinese are advised to learn culture bound Chinese which is necessary for conducting daily conversations with Chinese, rather than learning only basic Chinese expressions. In other words, they should learn intermediate Chinese instead of beginners Chinese only.In a situation in which not every Korean student is fortunate enough to study in China and, even if so, the one to two years in China do not enable them to master culture-bound Chinese, the necessity of a textbook for learning culture-bound Chinese language is especially high. In this regard, students of the humanities who have received a regular Chinese education, students of Korean literature and students of Chinese literature should join forces to analyze the text books used in elementary, middle and high schools, and books for required reading as well as Chinese colloquial expressions. They should then study the frequency, degree of importance and difficulties of various language forms, so as to develop textbooks based on the data and set up a pertinent curriculum.


  • 손지봉 Son, Ji-bong. 선문대 중어중국학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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