

동시통역시 발표자의 특성과 유형에 따른 몇 가지 문제-한중통역을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Regardless of the quality of interpreters involved, it is possible that conference interpreters can fail to perform well due to a lack of adequate preparation on the part of the sponsor or other matters related to the speakers. To prevent this from happening, an interpreter should try to understand the nature of the situations he or she might encounter. Interpretation can be conducted in a situation where a written text for speech, a text in slide form, a text written in English but read by a non-native speaker is prepared, or there is no prepared text. If there is a prepared text for speech, there can be situations where the speaker reads the text too quickly or simply touches upon the important points. An interpreter, therefore, should not only try to obtain the speech text but also acquire information as to the proceedings, amount of time allowed for each speaker, the length of the text, and the speakers delivery habits. If it is not possible for interpreters to do so, it is preferable to rely on the orally delivered remarks rather than the speech text itself and when the speaker speaks too quickly, they should try to convey the gist of what is said. It is best for an interpreter to prepare for the conference interpretation together with the sponsor and speakers. These preparatory efforts can enable interpreters to meet unexpected challenges. An international conference usually has surprises for the interpreters involved. However, the sense of accomplishment after the work can not be matched by anything else.


  • 손지봉 Son, Ji-bong. 선문대학교 어학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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