

土地收用에 따른 土地補償法의 改善方案


A Study on the Improvement of the Compensation Law to an Expropriation of Land

토지수용에 따른 토지보상법의 개선방안

김충묵, 김환기, 강민규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Modern welfare states are now facing the difficulties that they must make reasonable and systematic use of their national lands and, at the same time, ensure a just compensation on infringement of private property rights by public works. Administrative compensation for expropriation of the private land has been one of critical issues as large amount of land has been required toward public works such as national land development, industrial development, and city redevelopment. As a result, compensation troubles resulting from expropriation of the private
land have been increasing due to the current unsatisfactory compensation system, leading to frustration of public works as well as national budget waste. Therefore, this study deals with some problems of an existing law system related to the positive law and also offering a policy direction by the comparative methods and judicial precedents.


 Ⅰ. 序論
 Ⅱ. 土地收用에 관한 一般理論
  1. 土地收用의 槪念과 變遷
  2. 土地收用의 當事者와 目的物
  3. 土地收用의 根據와 節次
 Ⅲ. 土地收用에 따른 土地補償法의 主要爭點
  1. 土地補償法의 主要內容
  2. 土地補償法의 主要爭點
  3. 土地補償制度의 問題點
  4. 土地補償制度의 개선방안
 Ⅴ. 結論


  • 김충묵 Kim, Choong-Mook. 군산대학교 법학과 교수
  • 김환기 Kim Hoan Gi. 군산대학교 법학석사
  • 강민규 Kang, Min-Kuy. 군산대학교 사법행정학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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