Math teachers’ noticing : A systematic literature review.
Mathematics teachers' noticing plays a critical role in identifying students' understanding and misconceptions and in effectively supporting learning through appropriate instructional responses. This study analyzes the research trends on the noticing of mathematics teachers in South Korea and aims to provide insights for future research. Using a systematic literature review method, a total of 26 domestic studies were analyzed. The results indicate that the research primarily focuses on the "Numbers and Operations" domain, while studies on the "Algebra" domain and research targeting middle school students are relatively lacking. In terms of research subjects, studies on novice teachers are insufficient, and there is a noticeable lack of comparative studies on the noticing abilities among in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, and novice teachers. Additionally, while many studies have investigated the three components of noticing; attending, interpreting, and responding; there are also a significant number of studies that focus solely on attending. However, there is an absence of research on the component of "constructing". These findings suggest the need for more diverse and comprehensive research on the noticing of mathematics teachers, including studies across various mathematical content areas and studies focusing on novice teachers. Moreover, it underscores the importance of integrated research on attending, interpreting, and responding to enhance teacher professionalism, as well as the need for future research to address the component of constructing.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 교사 노티싱(noticing)의 개념
2. 초임 교사의 노티싱(noticing)의 중요성
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
1. 문헌 검색 및 선정 절차
2. 자료추출 및 분석
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
1. 노티싱을 주제로 한 국내 수학교육 연구의 영역별·학교급별 분포
2. 노티싱을 주제로 한 국내 수학교육 연구의 연구 대상 분포
3. 노티싱을 주제로 한 국내 수학교육 연구가 다룬 노티싱 요소: 주목하기, 해석하기, 반응하기, 구성하기
V. 결론 및 논의