

라이브 커머스의 상호작용이 소비자의 감정반응 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구


A Study on the Impact of Live Commerce Interaction on Consumer Emotional Responses and Behavioral Intentions

손옥영, 김병재

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the development of e-commerce, live streaming e-commerce, as an emerging marketing method, is on the rise. It integrates various ways of information delivery, providing consumers with unprecedented shopping experiences, particularly through its interactive nature, which can increase audience engagement and immersion. This study delves into how interactive elements in live streaming e-commerce influence consumer emotions and purchase intentions. By employing literature review and empirical analysis methods, we analyzed various interactive factors in the live streaming e-commerce environment and revealed the process through which these factors stimulate audience emotions and lead to specific purchasing behaviors. The results confirm that the interactive appeal of live streaming e-commerce significantly influences consumers' positive emotional responses, consequently enhancing purchase intentions. This study aims to explore the relationship between the interactive features of live streaming e-commerce and consumer emotional responses and purchase intentions, thereby filling theoretical gaps in the field of live streaming e-commerce and proposing new marketing theories. Additionally, by analyzing how interactive features stimulate consumers, optimal live content strategies can be proposed for live streaming e-commerce platforms and hosts, thus aiding in the improvement of marketing strategies and sales effectiveness.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 라이브 커머스
2.2 상호작용
2.3 지각된 즐거움
3. 연구 설계
3.1 연구 가설 및 연구 모형
3.2 구성개념의 조작적 정의 및 측정
4. 실증 분석
4.1 자료 수집 방법 및 표본 특성
4.2 분석 결과
5. 결론
5.1 연구 결과 및 시사점
5.2 한계점 및 향후연구 방향


  • 손옥영 YuRong Sun. Ph.D. Student,Department of Global Business Administration,Sangmyung University
  • 김병재 Byoung-Jai Kim. Professor,Department of Global Business Administration,Sangmyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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