

대학 영어 글쓰기 수업에서 아이디어 브레인스토밍을 위한 ChatGPT 활용 가능성 탐색


Exploring the Possibility of Using ChatGPT for Brainstorming Ideas in a College English Writing Class

나경희, 백지연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of using ChatGPT for brainstoring ideas in a collge-level English writing class. Specifically, it aims to investigate how Korean college students utilized ChatGPT during the brainstorming phase for English writing and how ChatGPT feedback influenced their essay writing process. To achieve this objective, the following research questions were established; 1) How did students use ChatGPT differently according to their English proficiency levels? 2) How did students’ English writings vary in terms of the extent and scope of their interactions with ChatGPT? This study qualitatively analyzed students’ prompts, ChatGPT feedback, and their writings by using QuillBot’s Word Counter, Grammarly, KCI literature similarity check service. Research finidngs indicate that 1) Intermediate to advanced-level students interacted with ChatGPT more actively than beginners. 2) Sentences written by advanced-level students based on ChatGPT feedback were relatively longer and more complex compared to those written by lower level students. 3) Regardless of students’ English proficiency levels, there has been a higher uptake of ideas rather than expressions created by ChatGPT. Based on the research findings, this study proposes effective ways to use ChatGPT in English writing classes.


I. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
II. 이론적 배경
1. 인공지능과 언어교육
2. 영어수업에서 ChatGPT의 활용
III. 연구방법
1. 연구 참여자
2. 수업 절차
3. 자료의 수집 및 분석
IV. 분석 결과
1. 참여 학생의 영어능력수준에 따른 프롬프트의 사용 및 ChatGPT피드백의 특징
2. 참여 학생들의 영작문 분석
3. 영작문에 나타난 ChatGPT피드백의 수용 정도
V. 결론 및 제언
Works Cited


  • 나경희 Rha, Kyeong-Hee. 충북대학교
  • 백지연 Baek, Ji-Yeon. 서원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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