

Customer Satisfaction Assessment among Foreign Consumers at Popular Korean Cosmetics Stores - A Comparative Study -



The cosmetics industry in South Korea has experienced significant growth in recent years, attracting a diverse international clientele. This research paper aims to evaluate the factors that influence the satisfaction of foreign customers in five prominent Korean cosmetic stores: Olive Young, Innisfree, Etude House, LOHB (Love, Health & Beauty Store), and Nature Republic. The independent variables being examined include price, popularity, and the availability of store information, while the dependent variable is customer satisfaction. A total of 133 responses were collected through a survey to gather insights from foreign customers living in Korea. The results were obtained by analyzing quantitative data using regression and statistical software SPSS. The findings of the regression analysis revealed that Olive Young was the most popular store among the five, and popularity was the factor that had the greatest impact on customer satisfaction. This research aims to contribute to understanding the dynamics of foreign customer satisfaction in the context of Korean cosmetic stores and provide valuable insights for store management and marketing strategies, helping these stores optimize their services for a diverse international clientele. Additionally, this study aims to bridge the gap between the growing global interest in Korean cosmetics and the specific needs of global consumers in the unique setting of these well-known cosmetic shops.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1 Korean Cosmetic Industry
2.2 Selecting Relevant Variables for Analysis
Ⅲ. Methodology
3.1 Hypothesis Statement
3.2 Variable Measures
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
4. Results
4.1 Demographic Information
4.2 Reliability Test
4.3 Regression Analysis
4.4 ANOVA Analysis
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Ⅵ. Limitations
Ⅶ. Future Research Directions


  • Elena Kugut Master Student, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University
  • Hansi Sigirige Master Student, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University
  • Miduri Rahman Atoshee Master Student, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University
  • Javier Herrera Del Cid Visiting Professor, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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