

Development of Sports Marketing in Korea - Focusing on Professional Baseball -


Lee, Sanghyeop

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of domestic sports marketing. In addition, an in-depth study will be conducted on the areas where domestic sports marketing needs to be further developed. Although domestic sports marketing is progressing a lot compared to the past, the reality is that there are still some deficiencies that sports tourists feel. It is very important to study the satisfaction of sports tourists because, in order to develop sports marketing, more tourists must participate in sports events and present various opinions. It can be said that accurately grasping what sports tourists want is an essential requirement for developing domestic sports marketing. Since the number of tourists participating in domestic sports events has increased recently, it is necessary to discount tickets or provide various services to these group sports tourists. In particular, it is common for children to attend sports events with their parents, and children are likely to become potential sports tourists and they should pay a lot of attention from the perspective of sports teams. Since there are many opinions that domestic sports marketing has not yet formed various systems centered on customers, it is necessary to actively reflect the opinions of sports customers to create more realistic services or systems. The results of this study can be said to be meaningful because they provide realistic implications for the development of domestic sports marketing.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1 Changes in the Perception of Sports Marketing
2.2 The Necessity of Sports Marketing
Ⅲ. Merchandising
3.1 Problems in Professional Baseball Marketing
3.2 Necessity and Method of Attracting Visitors
Ⅳ. Methods
Ⅴ. Results
Ⅵ. Conclusion


  • Lee, Sanghyeop Associate Professor, Department of Tourism Management, College of Business Administration, Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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