

Finding hidden space of Coastal Protect area in Korea National Park



There are 4 marine national parks in Korea, Hanryohaesang national park, Taeanhaean national park, Dadohaehaesang national park and Byeonsanbando national park. The total area of these park is 3,332.85㎢ that is 50.07% of the total area of all national parks in Korea, 21 site including mountain etc,. the areas exclusive land(mountain) is 2,753.709㎢ that is 40.9% of the total areas of all national parks in Korea. KNPS has been monitoring about the coastal wetland including mudflat and costal sanddune on 4 marine national park, and identified the total 105 site, 19 site of hanryohaesang national park, 35 site of Taeanhaean national park, 49 site of Dadohaehaesang national park and 2 site of byonsanbando national park and the area of 17.2㎢. This is 0.69% of the total area of mudflat in Korea and 7.8% of mudflat designated protected area in Korea. and also total length of shoreline is 1,729km that is 12% of the total length of shoreline in Korea. However, There is many unexplored coastal zone compared to the long shoreline. so, KNPS will start to research in-depth using technical equipment, for example, drone with camera for measurement, mutispectral scanner, liDAR(light detection and ranging) kinds of 3D scanner for ground, VRS/RTK GPS etc, for studying on the effective coastal zone information research system through precision surveying in 2017. And then, KNPS will carry out to expanding, restoring, monitoring and providing visitor service on special protection area of coastal zone. Precision survey results Increased from 17 square kilometers to 93 square kilometers in protect area


  • Jung Won Park Korea National Park Institute, oil pollution research center, Taean , Republic of Korea
  • Sung Geon Jang Korea National Park Institute, oil pollution research center, Taean , Republic of Korea
  • Jun Seong Kim GEOSTORY Inc.., Seoul 07566, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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