

Prosodically Conditioned VOT Merger of Korean Stops Examined in Verse-Style Broad-Focus Speech


Jonny Jungyun Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Previous literature proposed that the ongoing VOT merger between aspirated and lenis stops in Korean is prosodically conditioned. To assess this prosodic account across a variety of prosodic positions, twelve younger speakers were recorded using a novel method of eliciting the stops in four positions with different boundary strengths, distributed over single utterances under broad focus. Bolstering previous findings, the merger occurred phrase-initially (i.e., utterance-initially, IP-initially, AP-initially), while the contrast was maintained by clear separation of F0. Notably, the pivotal role of F0 was also observed phrase-medially (i.e., Wd-initially) in the presence of the VOT cues retaining the feature primacy, even influencing the pitch range of the entire phrase. Additionally, the cue-shifting from a VOT-based to an F0-based system was more advanced in females’ speech. The magnitude of cue-shifting is discussed in light of boundary strengths, focusing on how variant forms involved in ongoing sound change interact with speech prosody.


1. Introduction
1.1. VOT Merger and Its Prosodic Account
1.2. Remaining Issues
2. Method
2.1. Participants
2.2. Speech Materials and Procedure
2.3. Measurement
3. Results
3.1. VOT Merger across Positions
3.2. VOT and F0 Cue-Weighting across Positions
4. General Discussion


  • Jonny Jungyun Kim Jonny Jungyun Kim/Pusan National University/Associate Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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