

『西浦漫筆』上2의 ‘泰伯至德章’에 관한 고찰- 주자 해석의 비판적 수용 및 ‘양보[讓]’의 관점을 중심으로 -


A review on perspective of interpretation of ‘Taibozhidezhang(泰伯至德章)’ in the Subsection 2. to Volume 1. of 『Seopomanpil(西浦漫筆)』- Issues in critical interpretation of “rang讓,concessions” -

김연지, 심은경, 김원중

동북아시아문화학회 동북아 문화연구 제78집 2024.03 pp.43-66


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines Seopo's critical view with the academic attitude that Seopo tried to interpret scriptures and historical figures in a similar way to the perspective of Soron scholars, as a paper that examines the narrative method of Seopo‘s interpretation of the original ‘Taibozhidezhang(泰伯至德章)’of 『The Analects』. As a result of the review, Seopo maintained a position to criticize Juja's interpretation of the scriptures in a way that was faithful to the original intention of Taebaekjideokjang, yet subjectively added to it. Seopo criticizes original text of Taebaekjideokjang in a structure that it consecutively covers the entire text from the beginning to the end, narrates the essay in a simplified manner while well-aware of controversies of interpretation in ‘Taibozhidezhang’, expresses Zhuzi’s interpretation in 『The Analects』 in a complexed and multi-layered text structure by exhibiting independent perspective. In summary, Seopo questions the phrase “Sanyitianxiarang(三以天下讓)” through a sentence structure of ‘Dissenting opinion(或曰)’-‘Opinion(曰)’. offering a paradoxical perspective in interpretation of “rang(讓)” that ‘Rang(conceding) of Tianxia(天下)’ may interpret to ‘Guo(國:Nation)’s Rang(conceding)’ which all leads to the conclusion confirming Seopo’s polysemy way of interpretation. In conclusion, Seopo can be evaluated as showing the “huokan(活看)”'s perspective beyond the dogmatic idea of absolutely accepting phrases in Taebaekjideokjang while challenging the authority over the interpretation of the existing scriptures. This proves that Confucius' evaluation of Taebaek Jidok is not simply that Confucius praised “Taibo(泰伯)” as a “unsurpassed excellence(至德)” but a complex issue related to Seopo's ideological tendency to succeed to the throne in the 17th century.


  • 김연지
  • 심은경
  • 김원중


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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