

은유적 사상의 문화적 차이 : 영어 digest 와 한국어 ‘소화하다’의 의미 확장 비교


Cross-Cultural Difference in Metaphorical Mapping : Comparison between Meaning Extensions of digest in English and sohwahata in Korean.

양선아, 최영주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kövecses (2005, 2008) argues that some metaphors are cross-culturally universal but some are diverse. In discussing the metaphorical variation, he suggests ten aspects of metaphor which may be affected by the metaphorical variation. The ten aspects involve experiential basis, source domain, target domain, relationship between the source and the target, metaphorical linguistic expressions, mapping, entailments, blends, nonlinguistic realization, and cultural models. This paper delves into the question of how the metaphorical mappings are affected by metaphorical variations, observing the metaphorical extensions of digest in English and sohwahata ‘digest’ in Korean. The comparison between the metaphorical extensions of the same concept DIGEST in the two languages shows that the differences come from the fact that different stages of digestion are highlighted. The comparison between Korean and English DIGEST empirically supports Kövecses (2005, 2008) in that cross-cultural variation is observed in the aspect of metaphorical mapping.


1. 서론
2. 문화적 차이의 다양한 측면
3. digest와 ‘소화하다’의 축자적 의미
4. digest와 ‘소화하다’의 은유적 의미 확장
4.1. digest의 은유적 의미 확장
4.2. ‘소화하다’의 은유적 의미 확장
4.3. digest와 ‘소화하다’의 의미 확장 비교
5. 결론


  • 양선아 Seon-A Yang. 조선대학교/대학원생
  • 최영주 Youngju Choi. 조선대학교/교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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