

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

Music License in the Metaverse



This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the implications of the metaverse on the music industry, focusing on copyright issues and potential solutions. It delves into the concept and characteristics of metaverse platforms, describing them as environments that immerse users in a variety of virtual experiences. A significant portion of the paper is dedicated to exploring music use and copyright infringement in the metaverse. It examines how users incorporate existing music into their content, often leading to legal challenges due to copyright infringement. The paper discusses the role of online service providers (OSPs) in this context and the legal implications of their actions. The paper also addresses the 'safe harbor' provisions for OSPs and examines the balance between protecting rights holders and limiting OSP liability. It highlights the challenges and limitations of copyright enforcement in the metaverse, especially given the unique nature of content on platforms such as Roblox. Finally, the article proposes solutions to simplify music licensing in the metaverse, suggesting a shift from property rules to liability rules and the establishment of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) to streamline the licensing process and better protect copyright holders' interests.


1. Introduction
2. Concept and Characteristics of the Metaverse
2.1. Definition of a Metaverse Platform
2.2. Characteristics of Metaverse Platforms
3. Music Use and Copyright Infringement in the Metaverse
3.1. Modalities of Music Use in the Metaverse
3.2. Music Copyright Infringement and Identifying Responsible Parties
4. Safe Harbor Provisions for OSPs and their Limits4.1.
4.1. The Metaverse as an Online Service Provider(“OSP”)
4.2. Safe Harbor Provisions for OSPs
4.3. Limits to Online Service Provider Liabilities
5. Music Licensing in the Metaverse
5.1. Problems with the Current Licensing System
5.2. Simplifying Music Licensing in the Metaverse
6. Conclusion


  • Kyungsuk Kim Professor of the Department of Intellectual Property, Sangmyung University, Seoul


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