

『프랑스 중위의 여자』에 나타난 진화의 역설 — 아리스토스와 호모 데우스


The Paradox of Evolution in The French Lieutenant’s Woman : Aristos and Homo Deus


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Fowles argues that the uncertain viability of Sapiens is hazard, and that it should be recognized and overcome to evolve into Aristos. However, the multiple endings of The French Lieutenant’s Woman reveal anxiety about human free will to evolve into Aristos. The three endings of The French Lieutenant’s Woman, presented so that the reader can choose one for himself, correspond with three kinds of humanism in Homo Deus. The third ending allows us to imagine a future for evolved humanity in terms of evolutionary humanism. Aristos and Homo deus, presented as models of an evolved humanity, share the common purpose of human happiness despite their differences. If overcoming hazard for happiness breaks the free will of Sapiens, it will be a paradox that brings death, not survival. Aristos is an existentially evolved human being who can optimistically change the pessimistic situation of the future, encompassing liberalism and socialist humanism. The French Lieutenant’s Woman has a tenacious trust in Sapiens’ free will, which may be the key to overcoming the paradoxes of human evolution.


Ⅰ. 들어가며: 파울즈와 하라리
Ⅱ. 새로운 역사 소설: 자유 의지와 시대착오적 기법
Ⅲ. 세 가지 결말과 세 가지 인본주의
Ⅳ. 진화의 역설: 아리스토스와 호모 데우스
Ⅴ. 나가며: 역설의 극복 가능성


  • 김현주 Hyunju Kim. 목포대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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