

<특집 : 인공지능시대의 바둑>

Exploring the Impact of AI on Go Education : A Teacher Survey




In 2016, AlphaGo’s advent transformed the world of Go as AI-powered tools began to surpass the world’s top professional players. The rapid growth in AI’s influence raises questions about the potential replacement of human players. This paper examines recent trends in Go education in light of the AI revolution and its future implications. To investigate these trends, we conducted a survey among Go educators, focusing on three key aspects: (1) the perceived benefits of learning Go, (2) the impact of AI on Go education, and (3) educators’ satisfaction with Go AI tools. Data was collected through online questionnaires in English, Korean, and Chinese. Survey results indicate that Go teachers believe learning Go equips students with valuable skills, including critical thinking, resilience, and persever-ance, fostering character and cognitive development. However, educators’ opinions on AI-based tools in the classroom are mixed. Approximately 41% of respondents have refrained from using AI tools, citing concerns about their suitability for lower-level and younger learners, as well as perceived difficulties in their implementation. Additionally, there are concerns about over-reliance on AI and its limitations in Go education. Conversely, educators who have integrated AI tools report overall satisfaction and optimism for further developments. This study highlights the growing acceptance of AI programs and their positive impact on Go education. While practical demands remain partially unmet, many educators, in general, express satisfaction with the available programs. The findings of this study shed light on areas for potential improvement in AI to further enhance Go education.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
1. Benefits of Go Education
2. Go AI Programs
3. Artificial Intelligence in Education
III. Research Method
1. Participants
IV. Results
1. Perceived Benefits of Go Education
2. Impact of AI on Go Education
3. Evaluation of Go AI programs
V. Discussion
1. Summary and Implications
2. Limitations and Future Studies
3. Conclusion


  • Daniela Trinks Myongji University, Korea
  • Chi-min Oh Independent Researcher, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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