A Study of Translation Strategies for Cultural Terminology in the Novel Baridegi : A Comparative Analysis of Azerbaijani and Turkish Translations.
This study investigates the translation strategies of cultural terminology in the Azerbaijani and Turkish translations of Hwang Seok-young's novel Baridegi, published in 2017. The unique Korean traditional cultural terms found in the novel Baridegi are categorized and analyzed for how they were translated into the target languages. Translation strategies for cultural terminology are broadly categorized into domestication and foreignization, and more specifically into adaptation, equivalence, borrowing, and borrowing + explanation methods. Analysis showed that equivalence translation strategy was the most frequently utilized in both the Azerbaijani and Turkish translations. Analysis also showed that for the foreignization translation strategy, Azerbaijani predominantly used the borrowing + annotation translation strategy, while Turkish mainly employed the borrowing + in-text explanation translation strategy.
1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 및 연구 방법
3. 분석 사례
3.1. 자국화 전략
3.1.1. 번안
3.1.2. 등가
3.2. 이국화 전략
3.2.1. 음역
3.2.2. 음역+정보추가(주석, 설명)
4. 결론