


韓国と日本のESG現況とこれからの方向 -2022年7月ポータルサイト記事分析を通して-


ESG Status and Future Directions in Korea and Japan - Through analysis of articles on portal sites in July 2022 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Currently the issue for the social transformation we face are “ESG” (Environmental, Social and Governance) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). This paper analyzes the current status of ESG in Korea and Japan as of July 2022. To this end, we would like to explore the future direction through vocabulary and text analysis of 30 ESG-related articles on websites in both countries. ⑴ As a result of analyzing the semantic distribution of vocabulary according to the classification vocabulary table (2004), we found significant differences in items such as , , and in Korea, and , , and in Japan. In particular, while Korea mainly featured government agencies and domestic companies, Japan had many foreign companies and stakeholders. ⑵ In the keyword analysis, the frequency of “evaluation,” “grade” in korea, “funds” and “carbon” in Japan were relatively noticeable. ⑶ In this article, “Investment” and “SDGs” mainly appear in Japan, and not only the environment but also social and governance sectors such as diversity, human rights, and information disclosure are highlighted the same. In Korea, management and eco-friendly appear mainly. The governance sector is negligible, and the social sector focuses on shared growth. ⑷ As a result of visualizing the air network using the Social Network Analysis Program (Gephi), the network was closely connected in Japan than in Korea. While Korea deals with ESG in terms of management and is mainly conscious of customers, Japan is aware of various stakeholders in terms of investment and is sensitive to global trends. Above all, the connection with SDGs is highly active. Korea needs more engagement with SDGs and attention to the social and governance sectors. Beyond the ESG evaluation of domestic companies, it is necessary to make efforts at the national level to raise the status of the country in the global trend.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
3. 分析対象及び研究方法
4. 上位頻度50語分析
5. キーワード分析
6. 語彙の意味分布分析
7. 記事のテキスト分析
8. 共起ネットワーク分析
9. 終わりに


  • 李美淑 이미숙. 明知大学校 日語日文学科 教授, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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