

A Study on the Translation Strategies of Taboo Language used in the English Subtitle of the Korean Film “Drug King”


Wonbo Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We analyzed 213 Korean taboo words in the film “Drug King,” and categorized them into six groups: Saeggi (65), Ssi/Ssibal (35), Ssibal+Noun (21), Jasik (19), Michida/Dolda (9), and Miscellaneous (64). Four translation strategies were observed: maintenance, omission, toning up, and toning down. The most prevalent strategy was maintenance (116, 54%), which involved literal translation to preserve the essence and cultural vibe of the original language. Toning down (63, 30%) was used more frequently than toning up (7, 3%) due to the presence of emotionally intense taboo language. Toning up was specifically applied to 'Ssi/Ssibal' and 'miscellaneous expressions.' Omission (27, 13%) was employed when it was impractical to translate Korean taboo language into English due to time, space, and subtitling constraints. Translating taboo language in the film “Drug King” is challenging because it requires a translator to find culturally appropriate equivalents that convey accurate meanings.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Taboo Language
2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of Taboo Language
3. Korean Taboo Language and Translation Strategy
3.1 A Film for Analysis: Drug King
3.2 Classification of Korean Taboo Language
3.3 Translation Strategy
4. The Analysis of Translation Strategy and Discussion
4.1 Translation Strategy
4.2 Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Wonbo Kim Jeju National University/Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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