

우크라이나 전쟁 이후 미국 통상정책 변화에 관한 연구


A Study on Changes in US Trade Policy after the Ukraine War

김희중, 변재웅

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the Trump administration and the recent Biden administration, the U.S. trade policy has primarily focused on national interests, leading to trade sanctions against China. However, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the US trade policy shifted its focus from sanctions against China to imposing economic and trade sanctions on Russia. The deterioration of U.S. relations with Russia and China has prompted the United States to strengthen ties with its traditional allies, expanding its geopolitical position. In the wake of the war in Ukraine, the United States is adopting a strategy to safeguard core technologies, which are vital for future growth, and implementing trade policies that differentiate between hostile and friendly countries. This strategy is expected to persist in the future, necessitating objective analysis by Korea to align with the evolving US trade policy trends and safeguard its national interests. This paper examines the changes in US trade policy after the Ukraine War. Chapter II analyzes the shifts in US trade policy both before and after the war, focusing on war deterrence through economic sanctions (financial sanctions, export controls on specific goods, and trade sectors) , including the cancellation of most favored nation status for Russia, and the impact on sectors such as energy and agriculture. We also explore strategies such as enhancing advanced technology security and bolstering the domestic economy, which involve the enforcement of the CHIPS Act, implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), strengthening cooperation with traditional allies, and promoting IPEF to secure supply chains. Chapter III highlights the differences from the pre-war US trade policy, and in the final chapter, Chapter IV, the policy implications of these changes in US trade policy for Korea are analyzed. The altered US trade policy after the Ukraine War has implications for Korea’s trade environment. Moreover, it significantly affects Korea’s cooperative reconstruction project with Poland in the aftermath of the war in Ukraine.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 우크라이나 전쟁 전후(前後)미국의 통상정책 변화
Ⅲ. 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 기존 미국 통상정책과의 차이점 분석
Ⅳ. 우리나라 통상환경에 주는 시사점
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김희중 Hee-Joong Kim. Kotra 아카데미 미국통상정책 연구소장
  • 변재웅 Jae-Woong Byun. 계명대학교 국제통상학과 교수


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