This s tudy a nalyzes the effects of t echnolog y diffusion a nd t echnolog ical p rog ress t hroug h trade openness o n income i nequality using panel d ata from countries a round the world. The a nalysis was conducted separately into developed and developing countries to examine the asymmetric effects depending on the stage of economic development. In developed countries, the income distribution effect of technology diffusion and technological progress due to trade openness improves income inequality. Technolog ical d iffusion a nd t echnolog ical p rogress d ecreased t he i ncome share of t he t op 1 %, b ut increased the share of the top 10%. We can also see that technology diffusion has a negative impact on income i nequality without s tatistical s ig nificance in t he mid t o long t erm. I n developing countries, the technology diffusion and technological progress through trade openness have increased inequality in income distribution. In addition, the share of income share of the top 1 % and top 10 % has also increased. It can be seen that the impact of technology diffusion and technological progress through economic openness on income distribution cannot be uniformly generalized, and may differ from each other depending on various conditions and situations, such as the stage of economic development of each country. Contrary to the theory that skill-biased technological progress increase the productivity of skilled workers and thus increase income inequality, as seen in the case of developed countries, it suggests that income inequality can be alleviated by equitable income distribution systems and structures.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 분석모형과 추정방법
Ⅲ. 무역개방, 기술확산, 소득분배의 자료분석
Ⅳ. 실증분석
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론