

Public Perception of Interpreters in South Korea : Text Mining Social Media


Kwon, Sang-mi, Jeong, Cheol Ja

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article investigates the public perception of simultaneous interpreters on social media, namely comments on YouTube and QnA from Naver's Knowledge In (KiN), the largest online Q&A community in South Korea. Co-occurrence analysis and LDA topic modeling were performed on the collected and pre-processed datasets from these sources. The co-occurrence analysis of Naver KiN found the word 'professional' in all clusters of the corpus, confirming a degree of public acceptance of simultaneous interpretation as a professional feat. The word 'professional' showed the most frequent co-occurrence with 'certification'. Co-occurrence analysis of YouTube comments found recurring references to interpreters' skill, passion, personality, and appearance. Interpreters were perceived to have 'elegance', 'grace', 'humility', and 'dignity'. Through this study, we found that the public expects simultaneous interpretation to be a professional practice, even as it is understood through a lens of oversimplification and ambiguity.


1. Introduction
2. Public perception of interpreters on social media
2.1. Public perception of interpreters and translators
2.2. Social media and identity construction
3. Methods
3.1. Data Types
3.2. Data crawling and preprocessing
3.3. Methods of Analysis
4. Findings
4.1. Public perception of interpreters on Naver KiN
4.1.1. LDA topic modeling of Naver KiN questions and answers
4.1.2. Word frequency analysis and co-occurrence network of Naver KiN questions and answers
4.2. Public perception of simultaneous interpreters on YouTube
4.2.1. LDA topic modeling of YouTube comments
4.2.2. Word frequency analysis and co-occurrence network of YouTube comments
5. Discussions and conclusion


  • Kwon, Sang-mi 권상미. University of Ulsan
  • Jeong, Cheol Ja 정철자. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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