

영화의 다중 언어 대사 더빙 연구 - 한국 영화 영어 더빙을 기반으로


Dubbing Multilingualism in English-dubbed Korean Films.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Filmmakers are increasingly incorporating significant portions of foreign dialogues in their films, reflecting the growing interaction of diverse cultures. Multilingualism in films requires translation into the target text, representing one of the most formidable challenges in audiovisual translation. Addressing multilingualism becomes particularly intricate in film dubbing as it replaces the original dialogue, creating the illusion that the dubbed dialogues are being spoken by the original actors. Korean films, mirroring the growing integration of contemporary societies, often incorporate substantial foreign discourse. This study investigates the dubbing translation of multilingual dialogues in Korean films released in North America, illuminating how foreign dialogues presented in Korean films are translated and dubbed for the target audience. To critically examine the strategies employed by dubbing professionals in handling on-screen multilingualism, the study zeroes in on the ways the diegesis of dubbed films undergoes changes.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 다중 언어 대사의 영상 번역
2.2. 다중 언어 대사의 더빙 방법
2.3. L1, L2, L3 관계에 따른 더빙 전략의 특수성
3. 분석 텍스트
4. 분석 결과
4.1. 디제틱 통역 상황의 삭제
4.2. 디제시스의 균열
5. 논의 및 결론


  • 윤미선 Yoon, Miseon. 동국대학교 영어영문학과 BK21 Four 산학협력 비즈니스모델에 기반한 인지과학 및 인 공지능 분야 영어·통번역(학) 미래인재양성사업팀 박사후연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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