

Discourse on the Practice and Conception of Coexistence Citizens in Multicultural Society




This study examines the significance of "coexisting individuals" in a multicultural society and how humans can become "citizens." This paper will address the rationale behind human beings' need to become citizens, with the overarching framework of "multicultural humanities." Multicultural humanities refer to a humanities-based approach to studying a multicultural society, extending beyond the definition of multiculturalism. Although humanities typically have a human-centered origin, in a broader sense, it encompasses all disciplines spanning the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. It covers all academic knowledge and practices relating to human beings. Hence, the goal of humanities is to foster the coexistence of citizens in a multicultural society. Notably, coexistence is not a new concept and has already been present in our lives. Accordingly, this study emphasizes the discussion of coexistence as a practice within a multicultural society from an academic perspective of multicultural humanities.


Ⅰ. The identity of multicultural society and humanities
Ⅱ. The coexistence of multicultural societies
Ⅲ. Contents of education in coexistence with the national curriculum
Ⅳ. Establishment of multicultural humanities and the direction of practice
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Youngsoon Kim Author, Professor, Dept. of Multicultural Education, Inha University, Korea
  • Sooan Choi Doctoral student, Dept. of Multicultural Education, Inha University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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