

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

The Effect of Instatoon Service Quality on Diffusion Intention through Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexistence



Instatoon is a type of webtoons distributed through Instagram, but in the process of advancement of the webtoon industry, it shows the possibility of diversifying into a new genre that meets creativity, and diversity beyond uniform commercial webtoons. Since it does not go through a large platform, the content is freely composed. In addition, it is differentiated from other types of webtoons because in many cases artists create instatoon by adding entertaining elements into their real-life stories rather than drawing fictional ones. Furthermore, instatoons are free to enjoy, satisfaction level is high, but in most cases, even if there is a complaint, readers just enjoy webtoons without expressing it. We aimed to find out how the service quality characteristics of these instatoons affect behavioral intentions through the coexistence of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of readers, and meaninful results were found through empirical analysis. We discusses factors affecting the spread of Instatoons, including readers' satisfaction and dissatisfaction, the importance of relatability, good directing, and informativeness. The study emphasizes the need to approach maintaining existing readers and attracting new ones separately, and to manage readers effectively in the future.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
1) Instatoon Service Quality (Instatoon SERVQUAL)
2) Coexistence of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
3) Behavioral Intention (Intentions of Recommendation or Resubscription)
3. Research Method
1) Data Collection
2) Analysis Methods
4. The Results of Analysis
1) The Characteristics of Samples
2) Reliability and Validity of the Measurement Items
3) The Fit Test of Measurement Model
4) Research Hypothesis Verification Results
5. Conclusion


  • Chanuk Park Research Fellow, Cultural Industry Research Center, Korea Culture & Tourism Institute, Korea
  • Sin-Bok Lee Assistant Professor, Business Administration, Nazarene University, Korea
  • Young-Il Chae Assistant Professor, Department of New Media Marketing, JEI University, Incheon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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