

Effects of glycyrrhizinic acid, menthol and GA: Mt (2: 1), GA: Mt (4: 1) and GA: Mt (9: 1) supramolecular compounds on mitochondrial functional activity IN VITRO experiments.



This paper presents the effect of the supramolecular complex of GA (Glycyrrhizic acid) and Mt (menthol) and GA: Mt (4: 1) obtained on their basis can restore functional dysfunction of the liver mitochondria in alloxan diabetes, ie, inhibit lipid peroxidation. The hypoglycemic activity and mitochondrial membrane stabilizing properties of the supramolecular compound GA: Mt (4: 1) in alloxan diabetes were more pronounced than those of menthol, GA and its GK: Mt (2: 1) and GA: Mt (9: 1) compounds. According to the results obtained, the concentration of GA did not affect the peroxidation of lipid membranes of the liver mitochondria. However, a concentration of 15 μM of GA was found to reduce LPO (lipid peroxidation) formed by the effect of Fe2+ / ascorbate on the mitochondrial membrane by 58.0 ± 5.0% relative to control. The inhibitory effect of GA and its supramolecular compounds in different proportions with menthol on the peroxidation of lipids in rat heart and brain tissue has been studied


Research materials and methods.
Separation of mitochondria.
Determination of protein content.
Determination of mitochondrial PTP(permeability transition pore) permeability.
Results and discussion
Determination of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products in mitochondria.


  • L. A. Еttibaeva Department of Chemistry, Gulistan State University
  • U. K. Abdurahmonova Department of Chemistry, Gulistan State University
  • A.D. Matchanov Head of the Chair Experimental Technology Laboratory, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
  • S. Karshiboev Department of Chemistry, Gulistan State University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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