This study explored a humanities-enhanced STEAM (H-STEAM) model to promote 72 EFL undergraduates’ deep thoughts and affective domain. To stir learners’ deep thoughts, the humanistic materials of a literary text, Wuthering Heights, and a philosophical concept, mimesis, were converged. They were based on (a) multistep inquiry (MSI) to activate learners’ inquiry state, and (b) visual thinking skills (VTS) enhancement to stimulate critical thinking. With the visual resource of Wuthering Heights, students analyzed the text and the contemporary issues in the aspect of mimesis and experienced the MSI process: Provocation, pre-discussion, demonstration, post-discussion, and learning-related essay writing. The statistical result including multiple regression shows the interaction of VTS, challenge, achievement, and efficacy. VTS and achievement were the key factors to develop a workable H-STEAM (R2= .723) among variables. Therefore, H-STEAM can contribute to higher education by conjugating visual stimulus and inquiry.
Ⅱ. Literature Review
A. The Need for Integrated Humanities in STEAM
B. The Approach for Deep Learning
Ⅲ. Methodology
A. Participants
B. Research Instrument
Ⅳ. Results
A. The Effect of H-STEAM on Affective Domain
Ⅴ. Conclusions