

한국 웹툰 청소년 담화 속 ‘은어’ 요소의 중국어 재현 양상 분석


Translation aspects of teenage jargons found in Korean webtoons.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jargon is a secret dialect particularly used in a group of peers. Jargons among adolescents are differentiated from older generations’ languages. Teenagers tend to create new jargons in order to strengthen their solidarity and conformity. The creation of a new jargon is unlimited and not restricted, and jargons are the keys to make their conversation unique. Teenage jargons are often shown as forms of abbreviation for an existing word, the transformation of the phonemic form, and the addition of new prefixes/suffixes. Since jargons started to appear frequently in webtoons, movies, and dramas, translators have sought for ways to translate Korean jargons into a different language with different characteristics. This study specifically examines how teenage jargons in Korean webtoons are translated into Chinese. Moreover, this research suggests ways to translate teenage jargons into another language with natural flow. In analysis, explicitation and normalization were often used when translating Korean jargon into Chinese. Based on this result, this study shows some vivid ways to translate teenage jargons to make it as similar as possible to the original language.


I. 서론
II. 청소년 언어문화 및 담화적 특성
1. 청소년 언어문화의 특징
2. 청소년기 담화 내 은어 사용 양상
III. 연구방법
IV. 분석결과
1. 기존 규범 일탈형 은어
2. 신생 조어법 적용형 은어
3. 외국어 혼용형 은어
4. 시각효과 결합형 은어
V. 결론 및 제언


  • 강경이 Kang, Kyoungyi. 독립연구자


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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