

관련성 이론에 기반한 문학번역 비평 - 헤밍웨이의 단편소설 『빗속의 고양이』의 번역물을 중심으로


A Relevance-Theoretic Criticism of Literary Translation : Three Translations of Cat in the Rain, a Short Novel by Hemingway.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Generally, translations have been evaluated in terms of faithfulness and readability. This paper suggests that relevance (defined and used in relevance theory), which is determined by cognitive effects and processing effort, be used as a criterion for evaluating literary translations. It reviews three Korean translations of the short novel Cat in the Rain written in English by Ernest Hemingway, in terms of cognitive effects and processing effort. It focuses on the translations of third language (i.e. Italian) expressions, referring expressions, free indirect speech, and other elements such as vocabulary and phrases. Those translations sometimes tried to convey the same cognitive effects that the original writer wanted to produce, while at other times they tried to save the processing effort that the readers need to make. Finally, the paper concludes that optimal relevance can explain the differences between the three translations.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 전통적 번역평가 요소: 충실성과 가독성
2.2. 상위표상으로서의 번역과 최적의 관련성
3. 『빗속의 고양이』세 번역물 비교
3.1. 분석대상
3.2. 제3 언어 이탈리아어의 번역
3.3. 지시적 표현
3.4. 자유간접화법
3.5. 그 외의 번역
4. 결론


  • 노은주 Noh, Eun-Ju. 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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