

Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty in the Clothing Customization Industry


Wang, Qinghui, Kim, Young-gil, Jung, Sungwook

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Customization strategies have received a lot of attention in the clothing industry in the past few years. However, only a few studies investigated the key determinants of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in the clothing customization industry. Thus, this study examined the relationship between brand image, brand personality, customer experience, perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty for customized products. Furthermore, this study investigated whether the perceived value of the customized product modified the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Using the data of 318 Chinese customers who purchased customized clothing and regression analysis, this study found that brand image, brand personality, customer experience, and perceived quality have a positive, direct impact on brand loyalty as well as an indirect impact via customer satisfaction acting as a mediator. It was also found that perceived value has an interference moderating effect on the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The findings of this study provide practical advice for professionals looking for methods to increase customer satisfaction and their intention to repurchase customized clothing.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development
2.1 Clothing Customization
2.2 Hypotheses Development
III. Methodology
3.1 Research Variables and Measurements
3.2 Data Collection
IV. Results
4.1 Validity Test
4.2 Regression Results
V. Conclusion
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Implications, Limitations and Future Research Direction


  • Wang, Qinghui Lecturer, Taishan University
  • Kim, Young-gil Assistant Professor, Shinhan University
  • Jung, Sungwook Visiting Professor, College of Business Administration, Incheon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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