

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

From Technology to Content: Research on the Development of VR Flow Experience



Immersion is a features of VR technology, and the most important condition for evaluating VR experience. With the improvement of VR technology, including the presentation accuracy of VR content, the degree of interaction is diversified, the user’s immersion in VR equipment should not only be improved technically, but researched from the user’s perception level. The paper defines two important factors, immersion and presence, in a participant's experience with a VR device. Although the current technology can already simulate the real environment information visually and audibly, the content of the VR environment is not enough for us to achieve a completely real experience. Based on the Flow theory of Csikszentmihalyi and the sensory immersion achieved by current technology, this paper proposes the key factors of how to achieve conscious immersion for users in VR media. We prove that immersion is an indicator of the true degree of sensory simulation of VR equipment and is the basis for the realization of flow experience. What really makes the participant feel a perfect experience is the content provided by the VR environment and gave participants a sense of presence, it is not limited to video or games. On the premise of the Multi-Sensory, Immersion, Interactivity and Imagination experience achieved by using virtual reality technology, combined with the content creation of flow theory, the interactive immersion achieved by users is an important method to realize the awareness immersion of VR equipment.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Development of VR Technology
2.2 Immersion and Presence
2.3 Flow Theory
3. Discuss
3.1 Presence to Flow
3.2 Process of Flow Experience
4. Process of VR-Flow Experience
5. Conclusion


  • YuanZi Sang Master, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China
  • KiHong Kim Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea.
  • Yang Pan Doctor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China


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