Subtitles and Dubbing as Creative Elements : Focusing on Television Advertisements.
There is a growing trend of TV advertisements which take advantage of subtitles as a visual sign and dubbing as an acoustic sign in order to evoke intended feelings and emotions in target consumers. This implies that the two methods are considered ‘new’ semiotic components of TV advertisements as semiotic entities. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to explore the potential role of subtitles and dubbing as a creative element which goes beyond the existing role of translating source language. For the purpose, the researcher collected and analyzed domestic TV advertisements with subtitles or dubbing. This article first presents four factors which influence the choice between subtitles and dubbing: (1) appeal types (utilitarian appeals/expressive appeals), (2) endorser types (celebrity/typical consumers), (3) genre of advertisements, (4) media for the delivery of advertising messages. It then looks at what role subtitles and dubbing as a semiotic component play in achieving advertising creativity.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 번역학에서의 자막/더빙 연구
2.2. 광고번역 연구의 특징
3. 연구 방법
4. 분석 결과
4.1. 광고 메시지 소구 유형: 이성 소구/감성 소구
4.2. 광고 모델 특성: 유명인/비유명인
4.3. 광고의 장르적 특성
4.4. 메시지 전달 매체
5. 결론