

신문기사의 문장길이에 관한 한일 비교연구 - 독이성 제고를 위한 번역전략의 관점에서 -


Differences between Korean and Japanese Newspaper Articles : from the Perspective of Sentence Length


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Han-sik. (2007). Differences between Korean and Japanese Newspaper Articles : from the Perspective of Sentence Length. Interpreting and Translation Studies 10-2, pp.69-83.
This thesis makes analysis of the differences between Korean and Japanese newspaper articles for each section and publisher from the perspective of sentence length (character count per sentence). One of the most noticeable differences found was that while Japanese newspaper articles maintained about the same character count regardless of subject area, Korean articles showed particularly higher character count in politics, society and economy sections. It has also been studied that the Korean newspaper articles had higher character count than that of Japanese newspaper articles on average. However, against one's expectation, it was the other way around when it came to the lead text, as higher number of long sentences has been found in Japanese newspaper articles than in Korean ones.
Unlike opinions, news stories tend to stay away from exposing writer's literary style. Therefore, in his/her translation strategy, a translator is recommended to place greater importance on readability of the Target Text than on the issues involving the Source Text.


 I. 서론
 II. '독이성'의 개념 정리 및 독이성 측정공식
  1. '독이성'의 개념 정리
  2. 독이성 측정공식의 선행연구
 III. 신문기사의 문장길이에 관한 한일 비교
  1. 분야별 한일 비교 조사
  2. 신문사별 비교 조사
 IV. 리드문의 문장 길이 양상
  1. 리드문의 정의 및 실제
  2. 리드문과 기사전체, 한일간, 분야별 비교
 V. 한-일 번역 전략의 제언
 VI. 결론


  • 김한식 Kim, Han-sik. 한국외국어대학교 통역번역대학원 한일과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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