

The Effect of Xiaohongshu Service Quality on the Stickiness Through the Emotional Responses of Users



Xiaohongshu is called China's Instagram and is leading overseas product purchases and culture sharing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between Xiaohongshu service quality, emotional response perceived by users, and adhesion to confirm the impact on Xiaohongshu's adhesion at a time when non-face-to-face activities due to COVID-19 have increased. This study distributed and collected questionnaires from October 1st to October 7th, 2021, targeting 210 online shopping mall users. The research results were derived from a total of 206 questionnaires, excluding 4 questionnaires such as omission of record contents, and the causal relationship of the existing PAD model was attempted to be reported by revising and supplementing the existing PAD model. As a result of the study, first, it was confirmed that design among service quality had a positive effect only on ventilation during the user's emotional response. Second, it was confirmed that information among service quality had a positive effect on pleasure and ventilation among users' emotional responses. Third, it was found that security among service quality had a positive effect on pleasure among users' emotional responses. Finally, it was found that pleasure and ventilation had a positive effect on adhesion in the user's emotional response. Based on this result, it is expected that it will be used for operation on other online platforms than the plan for the development of Xiaohongshu.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1 Service Quality of Xiaohongshu
2.2 PAD (Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance)
2.3 Stickiness
3. Research Method
3.1 Sample Design and Measurement Tools
3.2 Research Hypothesis
3.3 Analysis Method
4. Analysis Results
4.1 Characteristics of Samples
4.2 Reliability and Validity of the Measurement Items
4.3 Goodness-of-fit Test in Measurement Model
4.4 Results of Research Model Verification
5. Conclusion


  • Xu Jie Master course Student, Sejong University Graduate School, Korea
  • Chanuk Park Research Fellow, Cultural Industry Research Center, Korea Culture & Tourism Institute, Korea
  • Sin-Bok Lee Part-time instructor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Sejong University, Korea


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