

第2分科 / 동북아해역 세션 ‘동북아 지역내 문화 교류의 현황과 과제’

중・한 이중언어화자의 언어사용실태연구 ― 동일 주제의 대화 분석 ―


A Study on the Language Mixedness of Chinese Korean Bilingual - Focusing on the discourse analysis of the same topic -

이은주, 김창경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Two languages exist in the daily conversation of Chinese-Korean Bilinguals. This study aims to understand the actual conditions of Chinese-Korean bilingual speakers using language in general situation. When a bilingual speaker recognizes the language ability of the other person in advance, in what way and how the difference in the form of language mixing is revealed in each conversation. In the purpose of this study is to find out how recognizing the other person's language ability in advance affects the amount of use of each language. Unlike monolingual speakers, understanding how they speak a language among the linguistic and cultural chaos unique to bilingual speakers will be able to explore solutions to problems encountered in their subsequent learning processes. In addition, if you grasp the language phenomenon revealed in the dialogues of bilingual speakers, you will be able to find and present effective language learning methods for them.Bilingual speakers' language mixing is done to explain a specific concept, to show cultural identity, or to help listeners understand. In other words, according to the need for communication, a socially or politically determined language is consciously selected and changed from one language to another. This is naturally revealed when a bilingual recognizes and speaks the language ability of a conversation partner. Although the barriers between languages are socially and culturally politically defined, it was possible to recognize the perception that there is no boundary between them within bilingual.


1. 서론
2. 중・한 이중언어화자의 언어혼용
3. 연구설계
4. 연구결과
5. 결론


  • 이은주 Lee, Eun ju. 부경대학교 박사과정
  • 김창경 Kim, Changgyong. 부경대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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