

直播电商平台下用户购买意愿的影响因素研究 : 来自抖音直播平台的证据


Study on the Factors Influencing Users' Purchase Intention on Live-Streaming E-Commerce Platforms: Evidence from the Live-Streaming Platform of TikTok

직파전상평태하용호구매의원적영향인소연구 : 래자두음직파평태적증거

李振兴, 张诗敏, 刘湖滨, 吴起涛

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nowadays, live-streaming e-commerce is one of the major emerging marketing methods in China. The realization of live-streaming platform traffic depends on how to correctly enhance followers' purchase intention. Scholars have been studying this issue ever since the introduction of the live-streaming e-commerce mode. Researchers have found that as an important part of dealing-making in live-streaming e-commerce, Internet celebrities are an important reason influencing consumers' purchase intention. Therefore, it is very necessary to explore the factors of how Internet celebrities influence consumers' purchase intention. This study aims to explore the factors influencing Chinese TikTok users' intention to purchase products recommended by Internet celebrities. The study takes product discounts, entertainment, and expertise as independent variables and takes user trust and perceived value as intervening variables in a mediator model to explore the direct and indirect impacts of Internet celebrity characteristics on the purchase intention. Using a quantitative research method, the study issued online questionnaires to 265 users who have experience in purchasing products from live-streaming marketing on TikTok; then using the SPSS 25 and AMOS 23 software, the study analyzed 209 valid questionnaires and found that entertainment and expertise have a direct and significant impact on the purchase intention, and they also influence the purchase intention by influencing the intervening variables, namely user trust and perceived value. In addition, according to the findings, for the live-streaming platform of TikTok, product discounts are just an insignificant variable that does not have any significant impact, either direct or indirect, on the purchase intention. The results of this study will help deepen our understanding of how live-streaming e-commerce and Internet celebrity characteristics influence users' mentality and behavior. From the perspectives of people in the Internet celebrity live-streaming marketing industry, besides maintaining positive interactions between Internet celebrities and followers and improving Internet celebrities' popularity, Internet celebrity live-streaming marketing should focus more on improving Internet celebrities' expertise on the commodities they sell, thereby boosting the healthy development of the commercial ecosystem. Moreover, marketing personnel need to learn about the factors influencing live-streaming platform users' purchase intention, so as to better supervise this marketing channel.


1. 前言
2. 文献综述与假设提出
2.1 商品优惠和信任、感知价值及购买意愿的关系
2.2 娱乐性与信任、感知价值及购买意愿的关系
2.3 专业性与信任、感知价值及购买意愿的关系
2.4 信任与购买意愿的关系
2.5 感知价值与购买意愿的关系
2.6 消费者信任和感知价值的中介作用
3. 研究设计
3.1 变量定义和测量
3.2 数据收集
4. 数据分析结果
4.1 样本的人口特征统计分析
4.2 信效度分析
4.3 验证性因子分析
4.4 相关分析
4.5 假设验证分析
4.6 中介效果检验
5. 结论
5.1 研究结果
5.2 研究贡献
5.3 管理启示
5.4 研究局限性和未来研究方向


  • 李振兴 이진흥. 经营信息学院, 新罗大学
  • 张诗敏 장시민. 广告宣传专业, 新罗大学
  • 刘湖滨 류호빈. 艺术经营专业, 世宗大学
  • 吴起涛 오기도. 人文社会科学学院, 新罗大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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