

Towards Activating the Role of Students Learning Arabic in Online Classes : Case Study of Korean University Students


Mona Farouk M. Ahmed

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, online education has emerged as an important research field to match its growing necessity. In this vein, this research explores one of the challenges facing online teaching of the Arabic language to Korean students at the university level based on the practical experience of online teaching in the academic year of 2020 while focusing on the role of students. The main goal of this research is to give some answers to its main question, which is: How is it possible to activate the role of students in the online classes of the Arabic language? The study suggests some online activities through which the role of students in online classes can be activated. An online survey questionnaire was provided to test the influence of some of those activities and to explore the students’ feedback. Additionally, interviews were conducted with some students to gain further understanding of their opinions about those activities. The results of the study showed positive feedback from the students towards those activities and provided some advantages of using those online activities for adding enjoyment to the students’ assignments. It is also recommended that teachers include more innovative online activities which match their students’ needs.


I. Introduction
II. Challenges of Activating Student’s Role in Online Classes
III. Suggested Solutions Through Online Activities
IV. Examining Students’ Feedback on the Online Activities
V. Conclusion


  • Mona Farouk M. Ahmed Busan University of Foreign Studies Institute for Mediterranean Studies, HK Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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