

Adoption Determinants of a Learning Management System in a Higher Education Institution : A Faculty Perspective


Hector John T. Manaligod, Rogelio V. del Cano, Jelica R. Enriquez

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: The study sought to investigate technology adoption and use of learning management system (LMS) in a university. The study included antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) namely: performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), and facilitating conditions (FC) and its relationship with actual use LMS. Methods/Statistical analysis: The research used self-administered on-line survey method and actual use based on data registers from LMS. Random samples were drawn from the faculty population who are using LMS. A multivariate statistical analysis and factor analysis were applied to find structural relationship among the variables and latent constructs (structural equation modeling). The instrument registered high internal consistency and validity. Findings: The results revealed that PE, EE, SI significantly explained the variation in BI. The BI and FC are not significantly related to LMS actual usage. Overall, there is a strong positive inter-correlation among the BI,PE, EE, and SI. Moderating effects were found in age and experience in the relationship between FI and actual usage; between EE and BI. Improvements/Applications: Data suggested a strong faculty behavioral intention to use LMS, but this did not translate into a substantial level of actual usage.


A. Purpose of Statement
B. Significance of the Study
C. Scope and Delimitation
D. Objectives
E. Research Problem
F. Research Questions
G. Operational Definitions
A. Overview of Learning Management System (LMS)
B. Adoption of LMS
C. Challenges of LMS
D. Resistance to LMS
E. Benefits of LMS
F. Technology Adoption Model (TAM)
G. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
H. Local Studies
A. Narrative Discussion
B. Visual Representation of the Conceptual Framework
C. Visual Representation of the Conceptual Framework
A. Research Design
B. Data Requirements
C. Ethical Standard
D. Population and Sampling Technique
E. Research Instrument
F. Reliability of Scale
G. Validity of Instrument
H. Data Collection Procedure
I. Data Collection Procedure
A. Demographic Profile
B. Experience Using LMS
C. LMS Level of Actual Usage
D. Descriptive Statistics for Key Variables
E. Intercorrelation of Variables
F. Multiple Regression Models
G. Linear Regression
H. New Linear Regression based on Model 2
A. Research Question 1
B. Research Question 2
C. Research Question 3


  • Hector John T. Manaligod Computer Applications Program, School of Management and Information Technology, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila, 2544, Philippines
  • Rogelio V. del Cano Information Systems Program, School of Management and Information Technology, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila, 2544, Philippines
  • Jelica R. Enriquez Information Systems Program, School of Management and Information Technology, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila, 2544, Philippines


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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