


모바일 로봇 액추에이터의 복합 유성기어 감속기 설계


Design of Compound Planetary Gear Reducer for Mobile Robot Actuator

박훈민, 심유섭, 권오병, 이학, 이상룡

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the recent development of autonomous driving technology, many researchers have studied autonomous mobile robots. Accordingly, they are developing diverse mobile robot actuators. However, most actuators mainly use reducers made of chains, belts, multi-stage gears, etc. So the volume and size of the actuators increase, and power transmission efficiency tends to be relatively low. Therefore, this study has proposed the reducer of the mobile robot actuator using a complex planetary gear train with small volume and high power transmission efficiency, and has confirmed the stability of the proposed reducer through finite element analysis.


1. 서론
2. 로봇 액추에이터 감속기 설게 및 제작
2.1 감속기 설계조건
2.2 액추에이터의 구성
2.3 복합 유성기어트레인 설계
2.4 3D프린터를 이용한 시제품 제작
3. 감속기의 구조해석 및 결과
3.1 감속기 유한요소해석
3.2 감속기 유한요소해석 결과
4. 결론


  • 박훈민 Hoon-Min Park. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Kyungpook National University
  • 심유섭 Yu-Seop Sim. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Kyungpook National University
  • 권오병 Oh-Byeong Kwon. Technical Research Center, Samick Precision Ind. Co., Ltd
  • 이학 Hak Yi. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Kyungpook National University
  • 이상룡 Sang-Ryong Lee. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Kyungpook National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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