This paper explores language use in English-Medium-Instruction (EMI) courses at a Korean university in the context of the internationalization of Korean higher education. Employing an ethnographic case study including observations of four EMI courses and interviews of 30 instructors and students over one year, the study discusses translanguaging practices in those EMI courses and diverse perspectives of instructors and students towards the language use in the classroom. The findings show that the instructors use a broad range of English and Korean languages in their classrooms, leading to divergent forms of translanguaging practices between English and Korean. The instructors point out that students’ low English proficiency is the main reason for their implementation of translanguaging practices, emphasizing the necessity of Korean language use for students’ content learning. Students exhibit mixed attitudes toward the practices, recognizing English proficiency as the most important factor for the success of EMI courses. The implications of the study’s findings are presented.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 대학 교육의 국제화와 영어 전용 강좌
2.2. 영어 전용 강좌에 대한 연구들
2.3. 횡단적 언어 행위
3. 연구방법
3.1. 연구문제
3.2. 연구 방법론: 문화기술지 사례연구
4. 결과 및 토론
4.1. 수업 내 언어 사용 패턴 및 동기 해석
4.2. 교실 내 언어 사용 패턴 비교 및 교수들의 태도
4.3. 학생들의 관점과 태도
5. 결론