

치과 종사자의 코로나-19의 지식도와 주관적 감염성 질환에 대한 노출위험도, 감염 관리 실천도의 관련성 연구


study on the correlation between knowledge of COVID-19, risk of exposure to subjective infectious diseases, and infection control practice for dental personnels

류다영, 송귀숙, 이수정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated the relationship between knowledge of COVID-19, the risk of exposure to subjective infectious diseases, and the degree of infection control practices for dental personnel. For dental personnel currently working in dentistry, a survey consisting of 10 questions about COVID-19 knowledge and 63 questions about infection control practices was conducted. This study analyzed 126 survey data collected by distributing questionnaires form May 30 to June 20, 2020. Data was analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The average level of knowledge of COVID-19 was 5.44 out of 10, the average risk of exposure to infectious diseases was 3.86 out of 5, and the average level of infection control practices was 4.05 out of 5. The risk of exposure to infectious diseases was positively correlated with dental waste (r=.184). It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between infection control practices and sub-factors of infection control practices (p<0.001). To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and infectious diseases and to reduce the risk of exposure to infectious diseases for dental personnel, the practice of infection control should be improved. It is necessary to cultivate infection control experts and have mandatory infection control education and social regulations.


1. 서론
2. 연구대상 및 방법
2.1. 연구대상
2.2. 연구도구
2.3. 통계 방법
3. 연구결과
3.1. 대상자의 일반적 특성
3.2. 대상자의 감염관리에 관한 일반적 사항
3.3. 코로나-19, 감염성 질환에 대한 노출 위험도, 감염 관리 실천도의 평균
3.4. 코로나-19의 지식도
3.5. 일반적 특성에 따른 코로나-19 지식도,감염성 질환에 대한 노출 위험도, 감염관리 실천도
3.6. 코로나-19 지식도, 감염성 질환에 대한 노출 위험도, 감염 관리 실천도의 상관성
4. 고찰
5. 결론


  • 류다영 Da-Young Ryu. 혜전대학교 치위생과
  • 송귀숙 Kwui-Sook Song. 혜전대학교 치위생과
  • 이수정 Su-Jung Lee. 혜전대학교 치위생과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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