

일본어학습자 K의 타자인식의 변화와 요인


Changes and Factors in Recognition of Others for Japanese Learning Student K


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzed the perception of the subject K, who is a Korean learning Japanese, has on Japanese people by conducting interviews and compared results with those of Kim(2016) and Kim(2019) to examine the changes in K’s recognition of others and its factors. As a result, the individual’s recognition of Japanese people appeared to be negative just like they were before. The remarkable point in the interview was that K had experienced relatively close relationships with Japanese people unlike Kim(2016) and Kim(2019). And it was found that the perceptions that developed in those relationships were not a uniform negation but rather various perceptions including positivity. It can be found that as a group, there is a mixture of both negation and affirmation in recognition of Japanese people unlike before. As for the factor, the perception developed during an individual’s relationship with Japanese people who they have actually come in contact with through working in Japan, can be seen as influential to the group’s perception of Japanese people.


本稿では、インタビュー調査を通して韓国人日本語学習者Kの日本人への認識に ついて分析を行い、김(2016)と金(2019)の結果と比較することによってKの他者認識 の変化とその要因について考察した。 その結果、個人の日本人に対する認識は前と同じように「否定的イメージ」である ことが分かった。今回のインタビュー調査で注目できるのは、김(2016)と金(2019)と は違って日本人と比較的長期間で密接な関わりのある人間関係を経験したということ である。その関係から生まれた認識は画一的な否定ではなく、肯定を含む多様な認識 であったことが分かる。集団としての日本人に対する認識は前と違って「否定」と「肯 定」のように多様化されているのが分かる。その要因としては、日本就職日本で実際 に接触した個人の日本人との関係から形成された認識が集団の日本人への認識にも影 響していると考えられる。


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 연구방법
4. 분석결과
5. 결론



  • 김의영 Kim, EuiYoung. 한밭대학교 일본어과 조교수, 일본어교육


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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