

보행자 높이의 빌딩풍 현장관측을 통한 위험지역 검토 - 2020년 9호 태풍을 중심으로 -


Review of Hazardous Areas through the Field Observation of Building Wind at Pedestrian Height - Concentrated on the 2020 9th Typhoon -

오상훈, 권순철, 김주찬, 이기원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Building winds are a phenomenon that occurs mainly in cities where high-rise buildings are concentrated, creating strong gusts around buildings, causing discomfort to pedestrians or negatively affecting the living environment of local residents and the building itself. Building winds create gusts that usually make pedestrians feel uncomfortable. This is more influential in extreme situations such as typhoons, and is causing a lot of damage, especially in areas around skyscrapers. In this study, strong winds during the 9th typhoon of 2020 were measured from pedestrian height in areas surrounding the skyscraper with a height of 411.6m, which consists of three buildings located in Haeundae. Results were then obtained through comparison and analysis of observational data, and building wind hazard areas in the observed areas were reviewed.


1. 서론
2. 빌딩풍의 정의
3. 현장관측 계획
3.1 관측 대상지역
3.2 주요 관측지점
3.3 관측 방법
3.4 관측 시간
4. 현장관측 결과
4.1 2020/09/02 18:00 관측 결과
4.2 2020/09/02 21:00 관측 결과
4.3 2020/09/03 09:00 관측 결과
4.4 2020/09/03 00:00~06:00 관측
5. 관측 결과 비교·분석 및 빌딩풍 위험지역 검토
5.1 풍환경 평가 기준
5.2 관측 결과 비교·분석
5.3 빌딩풍 위험지역 검토
6. 결론


  • 오상훈 Oh, Sang-Hoon. 부산대 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 권순철 Kwon, Soon-Chul. 부산대 사회환경시스템공학과 부교수, 공학박사
  • 김주찬 Kim, Ju-Chan. 부산대 건축공학과 박사과정
  • 이기원 Lee, Ki-Won. 부산대 건축공학과 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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