The purpose of this study is to analyze the functional effects of Dried Distiller's Grains with Solubles (DDGS) as an ethanol-based byproduct in order to find the applicability of DDGS as a cosmetic material and to improve its value. In the anti-oxidation test, based on DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assay, anti-oxidation activity was found, and ABTS radical scavenging activity was improved. Given that, anti-oxidation effects seemed to be attributable to hydrophilic substances, rather than hydrophobic substances. According to the whitening effect analysis through Tyrosinase inhibition assay, a 25% inhibition activity was found using a concentration of 10㎎/ ㎖. In the collagenase inhibition activity test, for the analysis on the wrinkle-care effect, a 70% inhibition activity was found using a 6㎎/㎖ concentration; in the elastase inhibition activity test, a 96% inhibition activity was found using the 100㎎/㎖ concentration. The water extract from the DDGS sample did not have better whitening or wrinkle-care effects than the positive control group arbutin and EGCG (epigallocatehin gallate). However, when it was compared with brown rice and barley, its anti-oxidation, whitening, and wrinkle-care effects did not fall much. It indicates that DDGS, mainly used as animal feed, is applicable as a cosmetic material.
本研究为了提高酒精生产附属物酒精粕的价值,并了解作为化妆品材料所具有的功能,对其抗氧化活性、美 白效果、抗皱效果等进行了分析。用玄米和大麦以5比1的比例混合制成的晾干酒精粕,在80℃温度进行4小时 回流提取,并对提取物进行浓缩和冷冻干燥后,用作试料。通过DPPH和ABTS清除自由基活性实验,在抗 氧化实验中确认了抗氧化活性,并呈现ABTS清除自由基活性更加优秀,由此可见抗氧化活性源于亲水性物 质,而非疏水性物质。通过Tyrosinase阻碍活性分析结果显示,美白效果在10㎎/㎖浓度中的阻碍活性为2 5%。为确认抗皱效果分别进行了collagenase阻碍活性试验和ellastase阻碍活性试验。两个实验中,阻碍活性 在不同浓度中呈现的百分比各不相同,前项试验中6㎎/㎖浓度的阻碍活性为70%,而后项试验中100㎎/㎖浓 度的阻碍活性为96%。通过比较两性对照群熊果素和EGCG(epigallocatehin gallate)发现,玄米和大麦混合 的酒精粕提取物的美白效果和抗皱效果并不高,但相比酒精工艺之间的玄米和大麦的抗氧化、美白以及抗皱 效果,其效果并没有显著下降,因此作为化妆品原料,酒精粕尤其利用空间。
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 시료 제조
2. 항산화 활성
3. 티로시나제(Tyrosinase) 저해 활성 측정
4. 주름 개선
5. 통계학적 분석
Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 현미-보리 혼합 주정박의 물 추출물의 항산화 활성
2. 현미-보리 혼합 주정박의 물 추출물의 미백활성
3. 현미-보리 혼합 주정박의 물 추출물의 주름 개선 효과
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언