

프랑스어 야생 동물명 비유 표현과 코퍼스 분석


A Corpus-Based Analysis on Wild Animal Figurative Expressions in French


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Over the years much interest has been paid to the research of idioms and metaphors in cognitive semantics. Not surprisingly then, there has been a good deal of related research, however, there are relatively few studies on animal figurative expressions. The present study aims to examine metaphorically extended meanings of wild animal figurative expressions in French through 3 representative corpora’s analysis. For this purpose, eight wild animal words loup(wolf), renard(fox), serpent(snake), ours(bear), poisson(fish), oiseau(bird), canard(duck), ver(worm) , 145 related figurative expressions and 1,646 uses in corpora were analyzed and categorized based on semantic molecules. Our findings show that firstly, eight wild animals’ figurative expressions and their extended meanings could be categorized. Which related to five components such as human being, event, object & abstract, time and arbitrary construction. Secondly, there were differences in semantic categories of figurative expressions according to animals. For example, ‘malevolence’, ‘cruelty’ and ‘greed’ are the most frequent semantic molecules associated with ‘loup(wolf)’, whereas, ‘rudeness’ and ‘coarseness’ are conceptualized in ‘ours(bear)’. Furthermore, wild animal expressions demonstrate different French speakers’ modes of thought and cognition compared with ‘plant’ based figurative meanings.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경과 선행 연구
3. 비유 표현의 세부 용법과 코퍼스 분석
3.1. 사전적 정의에 기초한 세부 용법
3.2. 연구 대상 코퍼스와 동물 비유 표현의 분포적 특성
4. 야생 동물 비유 표현의 용례와 의미 분석
4.1. 사람
4.2. 사태(‘일’의 형편, 상황, 상태)
4.3. 대상ㆍ물건 또는 개념
4.4. 시간, 때
4.5. 기타(임의적 구성)
5. 논의와 결론


  • 황순희 Hwang, Soonhee. 홍익대학교(세종), 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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