

기획논문 1 : 제4차 교육과정기 역사교육과 역사교과서

제4차 교육과정기 중·고등학교 국사교과서의 조선시대 서술 체제와 내용 분석


The narrative system and content analysis of the Joseon Dynasty in the 4th curriculum of middle and high school history textbooks


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the 4th curriculum, the narrative system and contents of the Joseon Dynasty in the textbook of the Korean history textbooks were divided into upper and lower volumes from the fourth, and the overall volume increased. The Joseon Dynasty increased slightly, while the Japanese occupation and modern history increased significantly. As the number of supplementary materials for understanding contents increases, efforts are made to help students understand. In particular, it tried to help students' understanding by collecting various pictures and letters in culture, but it has limitations such as being too professional. In the table of contents, the viewpoint of applying the term each Dynasty for middle school and “development of modern society” or “foundation of modern society” for high school was applied to the view of modern times after the 18th century. Looking at the differences and commonalities between narrative and content, first of all, in the table of contents narrative, it is called junior high school centered on political history and high school centered on social and cultural history, but the title and content composition of subunits often overlap. It also shows terms that still advocate colonial history and negative views on party and controversy. Although emphasize the connection with world history, there is a strong tendency to force the flow of history from the West and China into Joseon. In other words, the renaissance of the West and the absolute monarchy, the revival of the traditional activities of the national and Korean cultural activities of Ming and Qing Dynasty in China, and the feelings of the 15th-century national culture and jungheung politics, as well as the practical movement. Both middle and high schools described the Joseon Dynasty as the foundation of national culture. Evaluating the achievement of 'the prosperity of national culture', the emphasis on modernity was emphasized by the creation of Hunminjeongeum, Yeong and Jeongjo-dae as 'the national revival', and emphasis on practical science. However, there is a tendency to disagree between narrative and terminology in middle and high school history. In some cases, the historical terminology used in middle school and high school cannot be unified. The descriptions (definitions) of historical terms such as the Kwonmun power, Hungu and Sarim also do not match, or there are cases where the terms of the old governor and Kwonmun power are different while explaining the same political forces. In particular, the terms “modern and revolutionary” in the late of Koryo are used. In this case, the term “revolutionary” can also be seen as an expression of the legitimacy of the power of the regime (revolutionary, reconstruction, Lee, Seong-gye). As mentioned above, the composition and narrative system and contents of the Joseon Dynasty in the 4th curriculum middle and high school national history textbooks tried to make changes such as dividing them into upper and lower regions or adding a lot of supplementary materials while following the previous contents. The narratives related to the state's history and political power are seen, and the identity and series of historical narratives in the middle and high schools show limitations that have not yet been achieved.


본고는 제4차 교육과정기 『중등국사』에 서술된 고려시대 서술 내용에 대하여 살펴본 연구이다. 제4차 교육과정기 『중등국사』는 우리나라 교 육과정상 처음으로 국정교과서로 편찬 발행된 국사 교과서인 제3차 국정 『중등국사』(74년판)와, 그것의 미흡과 오류를 수정 보완했다는 『중등국사』(79년판)에 이은 검인정 1종 교과서이며 국정 교과서와 다름이 없다. 즉, 제4차 교육과정기 『중학국사』(82년판)와 『고교국사』(82년판)의 서술 내용을 보게 되면, 제3차 교육과정기 『중등국사』(79년판)와 대동소 이하다. 교과서 집필자가 달라졌음에도 『중등국사』(79년판) 서술에서 단 원의 목차도 거의 비슷하고 일부의 서술을 생략했을 뿐이며, 새롭게 추 가하여 서술한 것은 얼마 되지 않는다. 60년대 초반 이후부터 국가주도 의 국사교육의 강화로 교과서 집필기준이 별로 달라지지 않았으며, 제5 공화국 군사정부도 박정희 군사정부의 ‘국가 주도의 국사교육 강화’시책 을 계승하였기 때문인 듯하다. 『중등국사』의 고려시대 서술은 재야 사학자가 중점적으로 다룬 상고 사 문제나 일본의 한국사 왜곡의 주 대상인 근현대사 영역이 아니기 때 문인지 『중등국사』(79년판)의 내용과 별반 다를 바가 없다. 향후 보다 바람직한 국사 교과서 서술이 이루어지기를 기대한다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 제3~5차 중·고등학교 국사교과서의 서술 기조와 구성
1. 서술의 기조 변화
2. 구성 체제의 비교
Ⅲ. 제4차 중·고등학교 국사교과서의 구성과 내용
1. 구성의 차이점과 공통점
2. 내용의 차이점과 공통점
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 장희흥 Jang, Hee-Heung. 대구대학교 역사교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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