지역사회 학습과 발전을 위한 한국의 평생학습도시들과 광명시에 대한 사례연구
This study was to review the development of lifelong learning cities in Korea and to analyze characteristics and contributions of Korean lifelong learning cities toward community learning and development through the case study of Kwangmyung City. Since 2001, the Korean government has been continuously built and supported lifelong learning cities. The Project of Building Lifelong Learning Cities has been established on the basis of the government's legal, administrative, and financial supports. Analyzing the present of Korean lifelong learning cities, some characteristics of lifelong learning cities in Korea were drawn. First, it was found that the creation of learning city was initiated by the local government. Second, the case of Kwangmyung lifelong learning city was not a simple copy of any existing area, but an area where the combination of living, working, leisure and learning would be possible in a new innovative way. Third, there was strong will of the central government to establish lifelong learning city. Finally, one of the purposes of lifelong learning city in Korea was to bring forth partnership between organizations of public and governmental organizations. Korean lifelong learning cities have contributed to promote learning widely to develop effective local partnerships between all sectors of the community. They also have supported and motivated individuals and employees to participate in learning activities. Furthermore, they contributed to support widening participation in lifelong learning for citizens and to promote social community unity. As the conclusion to the paper, some policy recommendations are suggested to foster lifelong learning cities in Korea in the future
이 연구의 목적은 지역사회 학습과 발전을 위한 한국의 평생학습도시들의 실태와 특성 및 결과를 분석하는 것이었다. 2001년부터 한국 정부는 평생학습도시를 구축하고 지원하는데에 지속적인 노력을 기울여왔다. 평생학습도시 구축 프로젝트는 정부의 법적, 행정적, 및 재정적 지원에 기초하여 실행되었다. 현재 이루어지고 있는 한국의 평생학습도시 실태 분석 결과, 몇 가지 특징으로서, 첫째, 한국의 평생학습도시 시작은 지방정부의 선도에 의해 이루어졌다. 둘째, 한국의 첫번째 평생학습도시인 광명시의 경우에서처럼, 평생학습도시는 기존의 평생학습도시의 단순한 복사판이 아니라, 거주와 직장, 그리고 여가와 학습을 연결하는 총체적인 새로운 방법으로 연결하는 산물이었다. 셋째, 평생학습도시 건설에는 중앙정부의 강력한 의지가 있었다. 넷째, 한국 평생학습도시 건설의 목적 중 하나는 공공기관과 정부 기관간의 파트너 관계을 형성하는 것이었다. 한국의 평생학습도시들은 지역사회의 모든 분야를 효과적으로 한데 엮는 데에 공헌하였으며, 지역사회 주민들의 학습 참여에 동기를 부여하고 지원하였다. 이로 인하여 지역 주민들의 학습 참여도는 증진되고 지역사회의 연대감이 강화되었다. 마지막으로 이 연구의 결론으로서 한국의 평생학습도시 발전을 위한 몇 가지 정책적 제안들이 제시되었다.
Theoretical Background of Lifelong Learning City
The Origin of Lifelong Learning CitThe City
Practices of Lifelong Learning City in Korea
Bases of Lifelong Learning City
Building Korean Lifelong Learning CitBuilding City
A Case of Lifelong Learning City: Kwagmyung City
Characteristics of Korean Lifelong Learning City
Contributions of Korean Lifelong Learning Cities to CommunityDevelopment
Community Organizations' PartnershiCommunity Partnership
Public Participation in the Community Development
Conclusion: Policy Recommendations
Public Participation in the Community Development
Conclusion: Policy Recommendations
요 약