An Approach for Successful Competency Modeling: Based on a Competency Assessment of the Paper Mill Superintendent
Our society is continuously moving towards a knowledge-based economy: an economy in which the application of knowledge replaces capital, raw materials, and labor as the main means of production. The synergy of combining new information and communication technologies with human skills has dramatically altered job content and skills requirements at the workplace (The Canadian Vocational Association and UNEVOC-Canada, 2002).
Today, many organizations have tried to maximize their employees' capabilities in order to survive in keen competition. Competency modeling is one of the major strategies that they often utilize for this goal.
The purpose of this study was to offer some technical implications for studies about competency modeling in the level of theory as well as practice. Based on a case study, this study focused on the procedures of competency modeling conducted successfully rather than the competency model itself.
In June of 2003, TAPPI partnered with the University of Georgia Consulting Team to conduct a competency assessment of the Paper Machine Superintendent position. The primary purpose of a competency assessment was to capture the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed for effective performance. This competency modeling project enabled TAPPI to better understand what a superintendent actually does to perform his/her job, and this understanding inspired TAPPI to use the results of this project as a springboard for developing and/or modifying new products and/or services (especially, educational services) for the industry.
This paper detailed the processes that were used in the creation of the competency model. Once the working agreement with TAPPI was finalized, our consulting team collected the necessary data by conducting interviews of superintendent. The compiled data was analyzed by the team members, and the analyzed data was used to develop the competency model. The draft model was provided to three subject matter experts for feedback, and when the feedback was received, the model was finalized. Each of these steps was described in more detail in the paper.
오늘날 많은 조직들은 전 세계적이고 극심한 경쟁에서 생존하기 위해 조직 구성원들의 능력을 최대화하고자 한다. HRD/HRM 등의 분야에서 컴피턴시 모델을 적극 활용하고 있는 것도 이와 같은 노력의 일환이다. 이 연구는 성공적으로 수행된 하나의 컴피턴시 모델링 프로젝트 개발 사례를 사례연구방법(case study)에 의해 체계적으로 제시하므로서 실제적인 차원에서 다양한 컴피턴시 모델링 연구에 시사점을 주고자 기획되었다. 구체적으로 미국 제지공장 공장장들에 대한 컴피턴시 모델링 개발 프로젝트의 각 단계들(프로젝트 계약서 작성, 자료 수집, 자료 분석, 임시 컴피턴시 모델 개발, 컴피턴시 모델 검증 및 확정, 컴피턴시 모델 활용 방안 제안 등)에서의 컨설팅 팀의 구체적인 활동을 예시하므로서 어떻게 이 컴피턴시 모델링이 성공적으로 수행되었는가에 대해 다루었다. 마지막으로 컴피턴시 모델링 프로젝트의 성공 요인들과 보다 성공적인 컴피턴시 모델링 연구를 위한 여러 과제들을 언급하였다.
컴피턴시, 컴피턴시 모델링, 컴피턴시 모델, 및 관련 연구
TAPPI 컴피턴시 모델링 프로젝트의 배경
컴피턴시 모델링 과정
컴피턴시 모델링 진행 과정
프로젝트 계약서
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자료 분석 및 컴피턴시 모델 개발
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