

일반 논문

‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 중학교 수업 사례 분석 - 『한글 대표 선수 10+9』독후 활동을 중심으로 -


Analysis of middle school class cases of ‘Reading One Book a Semester’ - Focusing on reading activities of 『Hangeul Daepyo Seonsu 10+9』-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A notable feature of the 2015 revised curriculum is ‘Reading One Book a Semester’. This is highly educational for students to realize reflective reading by linking not only reading but also post-reading activities in class. In this study, I made students read “Hangeul Daepyo Seonsu 10+9” and designed and conducted the class activity of “Creating video clips of people that shine Hangeul”. As a result of developing and applying the "Reading One Book a Semester" textbook unit as a program, ‘Reading One Book a Semester’ was to meet the educational purpose of the 2015 revised curriculum. In particular, while reading the same book and writing a reading diary, students shared their thoughts on the characters and voluntarily engaged in discussions about each character. The process of children choosing the person they like, writing their own scenarios, and working together with group members to make videos clips made students grow even more. Through reading a book and producing videos based on it, students themselves gained confidence to create new creations by experiencing expression activities using reading and media. This class is significant in providing students with an educational experience that allows them to become readers for life and in developing creative and convergence skills needed in the future. Furthermore, the process of realizing the value and importance of Hangeul was a valuable activity as students learned the spirit and principles of invention of Hangeul, and met the nineteen figures who cultivated and shone Hangeul through books.


2015 개정 교육과정의 두드러진 특징은 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’이다. 이는 학생들이독서뿐아니라독후활동까지연계하여수업시간에실시함으로써 성찰적독서를실현하는데교육적효과가크다. 본연구에서는『한글대표 선수10+9』를읽고, ‘한글을빛낸인물영상만들기’ 수업활동을설계하여 진행하였다. ‘한학기한권읽기’ 교과서단원을하나의프로그램으로개발 하여적용한결과, 2015개정교육과정이의도한교육목적에부합하는활동 이었다. 특히같은책을읽고독서일지를작성하면서학생들은인물에대한 생각을서로나누고, 학생들이자발적으로각인물에대하여토론활동을하 였다. 아이들이마음에드는인물을선택하여스스로시나리오를작성하고 모둠원끼리서로협력하여동영상을만드는과정은학생들을한층더성장 하게 만들었다. 온전한 책 한 권 읽기와 그것을 토대로 영상을 제작하는 활동을 통해 독서와 매체를 활용한 표현 활동을 경험하면서 학생 자신도 새로운창작물을만들어낼수있다는자신감을얻었다. 학생들이평생독자 가 될 수 있는 교육 경험을 제공하고 미래에 필요한 창의·융합적 소양을 키우는데이수업의의미가크다. 나아가학생들이한글의창제정신과창제 원리를배우고, 한글을가꾸고빛낸열아홉인물을책으로만나면서한글의 가치와 중요성을 깨닫는 과정이 가치 있는 활동이었다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 도입 배경과 의의
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 수업 분석
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 신현정 Shin Hyeonjeong. 성연중학교 교사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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